Thursday, July 28, 2011

Socks for America to be on CNN!

Everyone at Ant Hill is super excited today... we have big news!

We have been working really hard on the No nonsense Socks for America campaign all summer, and it is going along wonderfully. Next weekend the campaign will have get mention in a TV spot on CNN!

Two of the students traveling around giving out socks, Amanda and Shelby, were recently interviewed by CNN's Don Lemon.

Be sure to check out the interview when it airs. If you miss it, we'll post the link.

Remember to support the No nonsense Socks for America campaign by:

  • Purchasing No nonsense socks! For every specially branded No nonsense three-sock pack purchased, an additional pair of socks will be donated.
  • Visit the No nonsense website.
  • Become a fan on facebook.
    • Fun fact: For every person who "likes" the No nonsense SFA facebook page and clicks the donate button, one extra pair of socks will be donated in their name! 

Here are some pictures from the interview:
On the air 

Amanda getting prepped for the interview

The girls with Don Lemon of CNN

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Spreading Sense with Socks

No nonsense is bringing some sense to the U.S. this summer by donating one million pairs of socks to underprivileged children all over the country.

Some little known facts:
  • Socks are one of the most requested items among families in need. 
  • Not only are they the most requested, but socks are also the least donated item!
So sock lovers, we present to you No nonsense's "Socks for America" tour.

Socks for America will bring attention and relief to people in need by donating just that -- socks. No nonsense plans on donating one million pairs across the U.S.

Kayser-Roth, the company that owns No nonsense, kicked off the campaign on April 11 at its manufacturing facilities in North Carolina and Tennessee. The tour officially began on July 1 when four teams of college students set off across the country to deliver socks and film their experiences.

There are eight students total, each in teams of two. The students were selected from leading film, advertising and design schools across the country. Not only will these students assist in the donation events, but they will also document the trip with films and blog posts that will profile people in our country who are taking steps to a No nonsense world.

The campaign is being run in partnership with K.I.D.S. (Kids in Distressed Situations), a wonderful organization dedicated to helping children in need. For over 25 years, K.I.D.S. has grown as a global charity of leading retailers, manufacturers and licensors of children's and youth products. In partnership with major foundations, K.I.D.S. is committed to helping improve the lives of children and their families who are ill, living in poverty or are victims of natural disasters.

All types of charitable organizations will be included in the campaign, from small homeless shelters to larger programs with the infrastructure to serve thousands.

Here is the Socks for America YouTube video:

If you would like to help, there are tons of ways to get involved:
  1. Buy No nonsense socks! For every specially branded No nonsense three-sock pack purchased, an additional pair of socks will be donated.
  2. Visit the No nonsense website.
  3. Become a fan on Facebook.
    • Fun fact: For every person who "likes" the No nonsense SFA Facebook page and clicks the donate button, one extra pair of socks will be donated in their name! 
  4. Follow the campaign on Twitter @benononsense.

    Friday, July 8, 2011

    The Google+ Buzz is Shaking Our Social Media Foundations

    As just about everyone in the digital world of social media knows, Google unveiled their new networking website, Google+, at the end of June. Google has been trying to dominate all internet enterprises for some time now, and this latest attempt seems to be a shot directed straight towards Facebook. 

    While the network isn't yet available to everyone (it is still in testing stages), it has certainly caused quite a buzz around the internet. People all over the world are starting to ask questions about the future of social networking. 

    Here at Ant Hill Communications, we have done our research and have a few questions/answers of our own.

    For PR professionals, Google+ is really up in the air as of now. 

    We are already extremely busy keeping up with Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, LinkedIn, and many more online information centers, so why not add another?

    According to Adam Singer, a social media practice director for Lewis PR and blogger at, we PR professionals need to dive in at first chance. 

    "A vital part of being a modern PR professional includes testing, tinkering and experimenting with new communications technologies, and Google+ is no different," Singer said. 

    When the gates open up, communications professionals are expected to dive in. 

    Facebook has been king for so long that we have become accustomed to the way it works, making us comfortable within its network; however, it can't hurt to explore new networking technologies.

    According to Google, their new Google+ network makes it easier for businesses to communicate with consumers as well as other businesses.

    All in all, Google+ is a new place to monitor, track, and have a presence in social media -- and while information overload may exist on the web, there are plenty of ways to sort out the clutter.

    Ant Hill Communications is proud to be tech-savvy enough to keep up with all of the online chatter!

    Read more on PRdaily and at Google.